Ok, I cheated. I read this book in August, a month before my resolution. But, I liked it so much that I wanted to share it with you.
This book was recommended to me by a friend who was working through this program with a client. Many management strategy books have the same basic ideas (goal, strategy, tactics, etc.,) but package them a little differently. What I liked about the packaging of this one is that it was used in one of the most successful military operations of modern times. It's success or failure was the difference between life and death for hundreds or thousands of people.
I used the method described in this book to outline the EVS Future Picture, Measurements of Merit, precepts and targets. In general, I think the "finished" product was complete and easy to communicate. It easily identified where we need to improve and laid the foundation for how we are going to achieve and measure success.
Recently, I invited all the staff of my firm to join the executive team in working through the management and planning of attacking targets for EVS 3.0 using this method. There is one catch: to participate, staff have to read the book. It's that good of a book, highly recommended.