
My book for October, The Organized Mind, by Daniel J. Levitin, was on a list of most influential books of a famous CEO.  With the recommendation from a respected CEO and the interesting title, I was eager to read this book.  However, this book very quickly became a "skimmer"; flip through to determine if continuing to read would be worth the time and effort.  Unfortunately it wasn't. 

Initially, there were a few good points, but in general the book failed to capture my interest.  Secondly, I would expect a book like this to be 250-270 pages; this one was 400 pages.  While certainly not a show-stopper, it is a tell-tale sign that the author probably wasn't able to make his point clearly and in a concise manner; aka too much bloviating.

I'm disappointed in this book failure, but fortunately my book list for this year is long.  Onward and upward...